Monday, December 1, 2014

Feeling Thankful

I was beyond sore for three days from the marathon, so I was so thankful to have a week at home to relax and recover. We had planned to head to Kutztown on Wednesday but, due to the weather, we headed home Tuesday evening. We ended up getting about 3 inches of snow, meaning we stayed inside and didn't leave our pj's all day on Wednesday.

The PJ crew

We stopped by my Grandma’s house on Thursday morning to pick up the pies and visit her new kitchen. The kitchen was built by the same talented man that built our kitchen and it’s really beautiful. After cooking in the same kitchen for the past 30 years, Grandmas is adjusting to all the new shelves but really loves the new space.

Pop Pop holding down the fort

Grandma in her kitchen

Our Thanksgiving Day was small and wonderful, with only 14 of us at my parent’s for dinner. After doing our own little Turkey Trot, we spent the day cleaning the house, cooking the turkey and stuffing, and relaxing around the house. 

Everyone arrived around 3 and the food we had spent the day cooking was gobbled down in 10 minutes. I hope to be half the chefs my parents are when I grow up :)

Andrew’s family was in the Outer Banks for the holiday, so we Facetimed them after we finished eating. The juggling of the families is never fun but we decided to limit the driving and hang out in Kutztown.

On Friday morning we headed to the Reading SPCA to find a kitten for my parent’s. Their cat, Rosie, passed away a few weeks ago and their male cat, Cole, was very lonely. We found a beautiful little kitten, “Duchess”, who was full of personality and a perfect fit for the animal craziness at my parent’s house. We renamed the pretty kitty “Nelly” and headed back to my parent’s house to introduce her to her new family.

Friday was our big Thanksgiving with the rest of the family. Everyone is getting old and doing their own things with in laws, so it’s great we still had an opportunity to get together. We had over 30 people at the house and did some true family bonding over a game of Liar’s Dice.

Mrs. H. Tells a Lie
The cousins

It was a big first day for Nelly in the new house but she handled it like a champ. We are so happy to have had the opportunity to rescue such a sweet little animal. She will have a wonderful life at Club Mary!

It was quite a weekend of food, drinks, and family, and I cherished every minute of it. December 1st marks clean eating (prompted by reading The Primal Blueprint) and some soul searching to determine 2015 goals!

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