Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday, Mrs. H. Buys A House!

Since my birthday is always my very favorite day (it's next week!), I decided it was also necessary to wish Mrs. H. Buys A House a very happy 1st birthday! When I started writing this blog on August 19th, 2013, I never expected it would last more than a few weeks. Looking back on everything we have experienced over the past year, both house and not house related, I am so happy that I documented our lives week to week. Here is a recap of some of my favorite lessons learned over the past year...

Lesson 1: Never Drink the Night Before a Major Project 

This was a miserable, miserable day for me. Never again.

Lesson 2: If you want to paint your bedroom purple, test the color before actually painting it.

Holy purple.

Lesson 3: Use a primer before painting over purple bedroom walls - it will take three coats to fix it.

Lesson 4: If you schedule a party the same day you have carpets installed, lock the doors to the carpeted rooms during the party - someone will vomit on them.

This carpet was professionally cleaned twice

Lesson 5: Always say "yes" to a trip to Miami.

Such a good idea to go to Miami in January

Lesson 6: Think long and hard before exposing a brick wall

These still aren't done...

Lesson 7: Never underestimate the power of a 2001 Honda Civic.

Lesson 8: Read the reviews of a product before buying it. Save yourself the heartache.

Saddest night ever

A little before and after...

My goal is to continue to grow and evolve with this blog. Over the past year it has taught me to take time out of the craziness (on Sunday nights while watching the Kardashians) to write about the ups and downs of every experience and reflect on where I can improve. Thank you for reading this little blog and please let me know what you like and don't like so this second year is even better!

1 comment :

  1. This is so funny! I lived every moment of this year with you and I can concur with your lesson learned. Love you Em.
