Monday, October 21, 2013

Select, Align, Nail... Repeat

I honestly don't even know where to begin blogging about this weekend. It was craziness, some self-inflicted, but mainly because we spent over 20 hours installing the wood floors. One of the worst decisions we have ever made was spending a very late night out Friday night. When my parents arrived Saturday morning, we had slept three hours and were not in a good place.

Time to rally and put in some floors
My parents were not pleased but we pulled it together quickly and started laying the floor by 9:00am. We decided to begin with the corner of the room by the front door. This part actually took much longer than expected since it is important to ensure the floor is square.

Let the fun begin
The cutest Kurty Bird

We were super impressed by my friend Tara, who was able to sleep through over two hours of hammering and nailing.

We envied Tara..

We made a great team - I selected the wood, my mom hammered the pieces into place, Andrew worked the nail gun, and my dad did all the cutting and tricky parts. We thought the downstairs would take about four hours and we would have time to start the hallway. Not the case. We ended up working on the floors for over 10 hours and not even starting the trim.

It's trickier than you would think!
I hit a wall around 12:00pm

I was actually shocked by the look of the floors. I was not expecting all the dark and it was a lot busier than I expected. I was feeling a little nervous when we were only about a quarter of the way complete, it was not good. Around 1:00pm we decided to take a break and indulge in some McDonald's. After spending $30 on absolute crap food, Andrew and I were back from the dead (I even ate a Quarter Pounder)!

Nom nom nom

It was a long day and my poor parents realized that their bodies have changed a bit since the last time they did this 15 years ago. Mary started to get the giggles and Kurt got very quiet around 5:30pm...

Mary's got the giggles
Kurt refused to leave the closet
These kids are tired!
Around 7:00pm, we started to wrap things up. We were all exhausted and cranky but the floors looked beautiful and it was time to put the furniture back into the room.

Nancy and Jim stopped by to help!
The wood floor crew

All in all, it was a long day but a good day! We went to bed at 9:00pm with the downstairs floors looking beautiful :)

Dining room table is back!

Our little downstairs!

We had ripped up the tiles on the second floor hallway last week and we were determined to conquer the floors on our own the next day. We were up early and ready to get the job done!

Let's do this
My dressing room filled with wood

The cats were terrified when my parents were here to help with the floors but they were determined to help us. They had a lot of fun but they weren't the biggest help..

Timmy loves to play!
Helping Daddy
I was super impressed by Andrew and everything he learned on Saturday. He spent so much time and effort making sure that the floors were done right. 

Handy husband :)
After 11 hours of flooring, we still weren't done and it was getting too late to be hammering. We called it a night but I am impressed by how good of a team we were! Install wood floors together on our own, check!

Almost done!

Next weekend we hope to finish up the floors and put the trim up! We are planning to hold off on the third floor hallway until we really finalize the rest of the house :) I need to get Dan's room painted for him to move in November 1st as well! We won't be slowing down the renovations any time soon...

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