Sunday, February 23, 2014

Eating, Drinking and Exposing

This week we made a final decision on banisters! We found a guy through an open house and he is giving us the lowest price by far. Ours will look like this and should be ready in the next week or so!

We had a nice mix of socializing and housing this weekend and I loved it... but I'm exhausted. This is going to be a short blog post :) We kicked off the weekend with birthday celebrations for Dan! We wanted to try something new and the weather was beautiful so we walked to Strangelove's in the Gayborhood. 

It was a really nice night and hopefully the start of our Philadelphia restaurant exploration this spring! After dinner we headed home to watch the Olympics and get a good night of sleep for a big day of exposing brick on Saturday.

Starting point

We were only able to spend a few hours on the wall this week because we had plans to visit friends Saturday night. Luckily, Dan stepped in to help and we got a lot accomplished quickly.


The best part about the whole process is the clean up and making the house go from a complete mess to oh so clean. Breathing in all the dust cannot be healthy - our snot was brown! We are happy we are almost done.

Almost done!

After scrubbing the dust out of our hair, we headed to Telford to reunite with some of my favorite college girlfriends. We had such a fun night reminiscing and catching up on life. It's crazy to think we have been out of college for four years but so fun that we can get together and have such a good time together.

Love these girls

We have a busy March ahead so I am going to focus on getting in shape, eating well, and drinking a little less wine :) 


  1. That brick! Bringin' a huge amount of character to an already lovely living room. The natural light from the windows is perf and ya'll look gorgeous ! !

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren! We are working hard to make this little house what we want it to be :) I expect an Aris visit soon!
