Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mom to the Kitchen Rescue

It finally feels like summer is on it's way and I am loving our little city house. We won't be home much this summer so I am embracing every beautiful weekend day I am in Philadelphia. 

Merrill is happy I'm home.. so he ripped down the curtains

Andrew kicked off our summer of travelling this weekend with a bachelor party in Fort Lauderdale. I was home alone with the cats so I asked my mom and sister to have a little slumber party with me on Saturday night. My mom arrived in Philly early Saturday afternoon and our first stop was checking out quartz at ProBuild on Washington Avenue. I have got to make these big kitchen decisions and soon...

We (my mom) found back splash and floor tile at Lowe's so we brought them along to mix and match with the counter samples. Our contractor's counter guy uses Zodiaq Quartz so I was on a mission to see the Zodiaq Quartz in Mystic Black. Seeing it in person really helped me to envision it all together and it ended up being my favorite.

We have a quote from our contractor and are going to get another quote from ProBuild before we make any final decisions. It was a quick day of decisions and my mom was a huge help! After the tile store, we headed to 9th and Carpenter for the Italian Festival.

Happy girl with meatballs and sweet tea :)

We walked around for hours, tasting cheeses and olive oils and enjoying the beautiful day. My mom loved the very Philly experience and seeing parts of the city we don't explore as often as we should.

Tasting cheese at Di Bruno Bros.

Looking at pastas for Dad
We left the Italian Market for shopping on Walnut and bought new outfits for dinner in Society Hill. I had made reservations at The Twisted Tail at 2nd and South, a new adventure outside of our normal dinner spots in Center City.

My girls

The food and company at dinner was the perfect way to end the fun day in Philly. We walked off dinner by exploring the old stone covered streets and talking about all the history our little city has seen (clop clop clop).

We had big plans after dinner but instead ended the night with candy and Sex and the City. It was a really wonderful weekend!

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